In this film, three hollywood actors star in this adventurous story about the Iran and Iraq war. (Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney, Ice Cube.) Three American soldiers set out on an adventure that was approved by the army to find gold. So when one of them comes across a map (Wahlberg) that seems to point out where Saddam's forces have stashed a large cache of gold they stole from Kuwait, they decide to follow the trail and take some of the war booty for themselves. However, the deeper they journey into Iraq, the more they see of the consequences of America's policies in the Middle East. 

Many things influenced the Iran and Iraq war. Specifically, oil resources and religion. Many say that religion was the main cause for this war, some say for oil. When the Shah was replaced in Iran, Suddam Hussein (Iraq’s leader) became worried. Irans leaders Khomeini was very anti-american so they supported Iraq. A war broke out because there was fear that the revolution would spread to Iraq (really a war of religion although they both claimed territory of each others.) In 1988 the UN gets involved and a formal treaty is signed with zero gains in 1990. Iraq was split up into two nations, the Kurds and the Shiite. Suddam was even harsh on his own nation because he was scared of Americanization. 

Throughout the years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel has been in constant struggle of trying to gain territory and recognition for their nation. Sadly, they have gone through many wars and have had mostly failures. During the Israeli war of independence, the Israelis fought for territory and did not succeed. During this war, the UN suggested a partition and angered the Arabs. The Israelis suffered failures during the Suez crisis and were not promised oil. However, the Six Days War was a turning point. Israel took over all of Palestine and destroyed their country, all the Israelis wanted was recognition of their territory but the Arabs were too proud to give it to them.

The Arabs and Israeli people have been in conflict for a very long time. Although it is sometimes denied, people say religious views are the main cause of these conflicts. Jewish historian states that religious tensions were the “seeds” of the Arab-Israeli conflict. At this time, the French and British split up the ottoman empire (former turkey) into mandates. The French and British’s main interests were the suez canal, which was ideal for trading and shipping. The Sykes-Picot agreement allowed most of the territory to Britain, with Syris and Lebanon left for the French. They set up Arab governments in all mandates except Palestine. However, the Balfour declaration was an agreement to let the British set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine and also promised the Arabs freedom in Palestine. This was the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In 1945 the Arabs began protesting the Balfour Declaration. Finally, the British fall out of favor with the Jews due to the Zionist movement. In 1947 the UN suggests a partition, a distribution of the land to the Israelis and Arabs. The United Nations did not fully make an effort to keep world peace. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

